Clash with the best Heroes of the Storm teams in the upcoming Nexus Games

Starting this Saturday, 10th of September, in Europe and Friday, 23rd of September, in North America, every Heroes of the Storm player in these regions can try to qualify for the upcoming Nexus Games. In these online-only tournaments for both EU and NA, if you can qualify for a spot at the main event, you’ll get to compete alongside the top four teams from the most recent regionals at PAX West and gamescom, to fight for US$10,000 per region.

Sign up for the qualifiers:
Europe and North America

Spicing up the waiting time for Blizzcon 2016 even more, the usual competitive time-out for new content will not be active for the Nexus Games, so by either playing or watching, you will get to enjoy the new heroes, Alarak and Zarya, as well as the new battlegrounds, Braxis Holdout and Warhead Junction, from the upcoming Machines of War patch.

Blizzard’s announcement of the Nexus Games

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