Current and aspiring European Splatoon players, listen up! We’ve got some great prizes ready to be claimed in our EU Go4Splatoon tournament series, ranging from exclusive Splatoon merchandise all the way to the magnificent grand prize, a brand new Nintendo Switch system!
The hype for the new Nintendo gaming system is real ever since their announcement trailer hit the web at the end of October. The Nintendo Switch is set to be released in March 2017 and via our Go4Splatoon, you’ll have the chance to win said main prize in our grand finals at the end of February, where the winners of all previous monthly finals face off.
Meaning it’s not too late for you and your team to take part in the weekly Go4Splatoon series, get some wins under your belt and compete for monthly honors. Aside from the big prize, we have a wide array of Splatoon merchandise which can be won in both the weekly competitions as well as each monthly final.
Sign up to Go4Splatoon on ESL Play today!
Do you think you’ve got what it takes to win a monthly Go4Splatoon final to secure your spot in the grand finals? Then sign up today and be sure to follow ESL Splatoon on Twitter and Facebook for news, updates and announcements regarding the tournaments.