The Evolve Big Alpha is a mere two days away. And we want to make sure you get acquainted with the unique complexity of the game. Unlike other straight forward FPS titles, Evolve employs a whole new level of strategy and approach to the game by blending together MOBA, FPS and stealth elements. Therefore we want to take a closer look at some of the decision making that not only goes into a round of Evolve, but could also be highly relevant for any eSports that develops in it.
Winning Conditions
As of right now, Evolve features four particular winning conditions. Two for each party. The monster, as well as the hunters, will win the round if the opponent is completely wiped off the map. During early game engagements the hunters should very much have the upper hand, up until the monster gains strength by evolving. At which point the tables will most likely turn. But the monsters doesn’t have to resort to killing off the entire hunter squad in order to win the game. Each map will feature a destructible structure for the monster to attack. Should it succeed in taking down said objective, the round will end in a win for the monster player. But should it fail to do so in a certain time limit and the hunters manage to outlast it, the win goes to the hunters.
Yet depending on the map, the winning strategies for both monster and hunter can differ radically. While some maps have lots of open space, others are constricted and tight. While some have generally passive wildlife, others have extremely aggressive creatures which attack monster & hunters alike. Putting together an optimal team is therefore not only dependent on the type of monster a squad is up against - but also the environment in which they will face the monster.
With players being able to choose from different types of hunters and different load-outs (with Monsters being able to select different starting attacks & traits) there are many strategic considerations to be made before the map even starts. As with many eSports titles which have pick/ban phases - a game of Evolve also starts at the picking screen with the loadout selection and the corresponding mindgames of selecting an optimal strategy.
In order to help you make sense of it all, we will be highlighting the newly introduced hunters and checking out where their play style fits in. During the Alpha you will be able to unlock each new character and test them out as you progress. Likewise we take a peek at the role of the monsters and by extension, the importance of the map.
If you don’t already have Alpha Access we will be giving out preferred Alpha access codes to everyone that signs-up below.
Feel free to bookmark this page as we will collect and link our released and upcoming articles below. Alternatively, you can regularly look over the ESLgaming frontpage.
Evolve Guides:
- Introducing: The Assault
- Introducing: The Trapper
- Introducing: The Support
- Introducing: The Medic
- Introducing: The Monsters
- The Maps
Our previous Evolve playtesting experiences: