ESL is excited to announce that 2K’s innovative first-person shooter hunter Evolve will be receiving its own Go4 tournament series. With cups to be held in both the PC and Xbox One versions of the game and over €6,000 in prize money to be won over the next three months, competition is sure to be as fierce as the monsters the hunters will face in game.
Stefan Paul Weber, vice director of community management at ESL, said of the announcement:
“Evolve is a fantastic game and we’ve been eager to have it involved in as many esports opportunities as possible - from gamescom, to studio events and more. We’re all very excited to get started on the new Go4Evolve series and are looking forward to watching the Evolve esports scene develop.”
Cups will commence on March the 8th and run every Sunday for a total of three months on both the PC and Xbox One, with a total of €150 in prize money available each week. Monthly finals will see this amount more than double, with €350 up for grabs for those who qualify.
For more information on Go4Evolve, please visit the ESL Play Go4Evolve portal.
Evolve at PAX East
Evolve will also have a best of eight single elimination tournament in the ESL Arena at PAX East on March the 6th in order to further showcase the full esports potential of the monster versus hunters title.
If you can’t wait to find out more of what competitive Evolve is all about, tune in to the livestream from 10:00 EST (16:00 CET) and watch CS:GO stars like summit1g, moses and many more try their hand at hunting - or being - monsters. A seasoned commentary team in the form of Sacriel and DB Sinclair will be on hand to bring you the tournament live from the convention in Boston, so make sure you don’t miss out!
Good hunting!