Baits and steals: the top five League of Legends moments of the Intel Extreme Masters World Championship

Over the weekend we’ve had a ton of great League of Legends moments: there were upsets, baron steals and all round amazing plays. Let’s relive some of the top moments below!

5) The (accidental) level 1 bait by TSM

While taking a walk through the enemy jungle, Dyrus ran into some not so friendly Team WE players but before going down he managed to flash into the baron pit. Hungry for a kill his aggressors followed him, something they should not have done! They ended up in the baron pit with two other TSM players between them and their freedom. What seemed like a mistake by Dyrus eventually ended in favor of TSM when they picked up two kills compared to one.

4) The Baron steal by Diamond in their game vs Team WE

Team WE’s upset started in this game when they took down Gambit Gaming on Friday. Gambit’s Diamondprox did however manage to steal a Baron away from them, even if it did cost him his live and that of some of his teammates.

3) Dyrus stopping xiye from getting out of the dragon pit

Dyrus on Maokai decided that he did not like xiye jumping the dragon pit wall with his Ahri and managed to stop him when he tried. An impressive play involving Dyrus but it turns out that he did not actually have vision of Ahri at that point. We’ll leave it up to you to decide if that makes the play more or less impressive. 

2) The 1v1 between Bjergsen and Maple

Bjergsen has been known not to be shy when it comes to going for that 1v1 in the mid lane and in this play he proved once again how good he is on Zed, giving Maple the impression that the fight was over before jumping back to his shadow and finishing him.

1)  Team WE defeating GE Tigers in the semifinals

Nobody expected Team WE to make it this far and nobody would have dared to say that they would win one game against the GE Tigers. They didn’t just win one but took as many as two and defeated the GE Tigers in a series for the very first time ever. You can find these games alongside others on our YouTube channel.

This is our top five, did we miss any that you think deserves a spot in this list? With so many great moments it was definitely hard to choose. Make sure to let us know in the comments!

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